African Responsible Travel: Eco-Travel/Sustainable Tourism

African Responsible Travel: Eco-Travel/Sustainable Tourism. Responsible travel and Vacations are part of The Bespoke African Safari Co‘ DNA. Since the beginning, we’ve strived to work with local people and businesses in our destinations. We believe that this not only gives you the finest experience possible, but it also benefits nearby communities. Locals are therefore driven to protect whatever attracts tourists, be it their culture, fauna, or environment. In contrast, we actively steer clear of “tourist traps.”

There are many things you can do on your vacation to travel ethically, like recycling, being sensitive to cultural differences, and serving as our “eyes and ears” for the good and bad.

The Bespoke African Safari Co. Cycle of Responsible Travel;

Local people who benefit from your holiday return the favour; and share more of their lives and culture; so you get a more rewarding experience & they benefit too; that’s the win: win of Responsible Travel.

Tailor-make your African Responsible Travel

African Responsible Travel – Change the world just by having the time of your life. We have always thought that travel has the ability to change lives, but in order for that potential to exist, we must travel properly. Ever from the beginning.

Giving back as much as you take is a key component of The Bespoke African Safari Co. mission for responsible tourism. Yes, travel ought to be a ton of fun (have you been on one of our tours?), but we also think it ought to be a positive influence. See how we do it below. We call it “community tourism” for you, local communities throughout the world, and the earth itself.

What Is Responsible Tourism

Our Best Approaches to African Responsible Travel

Acting Responsibly; There are two ways that we safeguard and conserve the environment. The first is our dedication to enhancing the sustainability of our own activities, known as acting responsibly. Without taking action, you cannot bring about change, thus that is what we have done. You just need to travel with us if you want to guarantee that your upcoming trip complies with these rules!

Creating Positive Impact; Our second strategy for responsible travel is called Creating Positive Impact. With these projects, we hope to leave the proper kind of impression in the locations you go with us.

Our African Responsible Travel/Eco-Holidays

View some of our favorite African Responsible travel vacations below for ideas, then get in touch to begin planning your own. These are only a few examples; we’ll work with you to plan an African responsible travel vacation tailored specifically for you, no matter where you wish to go or what your shared interests are.

Have you ever pondered the impact of your African safari or vacation on the local ecosystem? Remember that Africa is home to some of the world’s most beautiful wildlife and most luxurious resorts, but that it is also home to some of the poorest people and most threatened ecosystems.

Thankfully, eco-holidays in Africa are the new standard for African vacations. Responsible, sustainable, eco-friendly tourism is booming across Africa, with operators, resorts, and wildlife authorities pushing for it as a means to benefit local communities and protect the continent’s natural wonders.

As a matter of fact, these programs have lifted many African communities: they create jobs by teaching underprivileged people how to be tour guides, support staff, or chefs; they teach people important life skills like how to use computers and how to recognize the signs of HIV/AIDS; and in many instances, tribal communities like the Maasai in Tanzania and Kenya are now actively involved in the management of their ancestral lands that have been designated for tourism.

Other stakeholders in responsible tourism contribute to conservation efforts by, for example, donating to animal shelters, raising public awareness of endangered species, and advocating for long-term environmental projects. Try an African eco-holiday that places you in the center of the town and its development projects, or keep an eye out for eco-friendly resorts that recycle their trash, produce their own organic veggies, and use solar electricity.

It’s simple to let yourself be enchanted by Africa, but instead of letting your senses wander aimlessly, why not make a positive impact on the continent during your holiday or safari?

Discover the ideal African eco-safari or vacation from our curated collection of hotels and lodges that are actively contributing to Africa’s betterment. Feel free to reach out to one of our African Safari Experts for any further information or guidance you may require.

Ways you can be an African Responsible Traveller:

Travel is a unique experience. You can experience the insane, wonderful wonder of this planet and its inhabitants and come back transformed and enriched. Broadened.

However, traveling can also force you up against the unkempt, black armpit of the planet. You’ll see kindness and beauty coexisting with plastic-filled waterways, vulnerable and underprivileged people, and massive and hardly visible power disparities. Here are ways to ensure that any lasting impact you leave on it will be positive.

Want memories that’ll last? Engage with people instead of seeing them through a lens

You can obtain insights into a way of life that you’ll never forget by selecting experiences like cooking with a family in a Nubian homestay on the banks of the Nile or hiking up to Sapa to meet the hill-people. In return, you’ll help local economies, preserve traditional traditions, and promote the preservation of natural resources.

Swap your hotel room for a night in a village

Community-based tourism is widespread from Guatemala to Cambodia and often entails more than just a bed. The creation of a tourist destination that benefits everyone is made possible by the united efforts of entire neighborhoods, which provide events like cooking classes and excursions to the nearby sites. You make direct investments in frequently poor, rural, and economically marginalized areas, get a real taste of village life and help your hosts maintain their cultural and natural resources while earning a decent wage. Win-win.

Ditch the plastic for reusable alternatives.

Plastic is a fossil fuel byproduct that is here to stay. It’s difficult. So pack some essentials for your trip: a cloth carry bag, a water bottle, produce bags, a metal or bamboo straw, and reusable silverware. Even water purifiers that remove viruses are available for purchase, reducing the need for bottled water.

Simply present your containers to strangers while out shopping and ask them to fill them with kopi, tea, or rambutans. You’ll be generating discussion and decreasing landfill at the same time.

Fly responsibly instead of ignoring climate change.

The carbon is really pumped out by airplanes. Flights contribute around 25% of the 8% of tourism-related carbon dioxide emissions in the world.

When you check the carbon-offset option, aviation firms donate the few extra dollars you spend to green initiatives that aid in capturing the carbon needed to transport one person from point A to point B. Your indirect contribution to forestry or energy-efficiency projects will somewhat offset the substantial quantity of CO2 that will still be released into the atmosphere as a result of your travel.

Choose an airline that has an excellent track record of reducing emissions, offset your carbon footprint, and reduce internal flights by using “slow” modes of transportation like railways.

Respect people

All people desire a fulfilling life filled with love and respect. Sadly, women and children are frequently taken advantage of for financial gain. It is well known that orphanages and children’s shelters are destructive, and that sexual slavery is still a very real issue in many nations.

Be a decent person. Before you travel, educate yourself on topics like discrimination, sexual assault, child labor, and human trafficking. Once overseas, support tours led by women, shop at women’s cooperatives or by women artisans, and steer clear of companies that employ children for labor.

Care for those who care for you.

Consider the porters who depend on the Inca Trail for their livelihood as you hike it. Though it is all too easy to romanticize porters as supernatural beings, they are frequently just unlucky farmers in need of a living wage who can be exploited and mistreated.

Select hiking organizations that support fair and respectful working conditions for porters and offer them health insurance. And favor firms who hire trekking guides who have risen through the ranks from porters and are familiar with the difficulties.

Instead of giving money to individuals, give to community projects.

Giving toys or cash to youngsters and begging others is not being kind. Organized begging is a very visible form of human trafficking that encourages dependency and deters children from attending school. Support your neighborhood school or health center if you wish to provide a hand, or donate to a reputable, successful non-governmental organization.

What is Responsible Tourism

Inspiring African Responsible Travel Destinations

Best destinations for an African responsible travel vacation;

Helping you to discover responsible stays & experiences

Stays and experiences that truly make a difference have been hand-picked by us. In doing so, they provide a hand to neighborhood establishments, provide training for employees, question established practices, and advocate for biodiversity and conservation initiatives. You may be confident that you are making a positive difference when you choose them for your trip. To find stays and experiences that resonate with you, keep an eye out for the ‘Responsible Choice’ badge.

We’re B CorpTM certified

We take great pride in being a Certified B Corporation TM. As a result, we are proud to be associated with a worldwide network of companies that share our commitment to excellence in social and environmental responsibility, openness, and accountability.

Preservation and support of the communities and landscapes you visit with us is an integral component of The Bespoke African Safari Co.’s commitment to sustainability. We are committed to providing you with the most considerate travel experience possible, and B Corp Certification is a significant step in that direction. You may rest assured that your investment in a trip with us will have a positive effect on our local communities, the environment, and our guests.

Travelife Partner

In January 2022, we were honored with the Travelife Partner award. We have been working hard to improve our environmental and CSR initiatives, and this award is a testament to that. In order to be in compliance, we had to meet over a hundred standards pertaining to our office procedures, product line, global business associates, and customer data.

The most prominent worldwide sustainability certification in the travel industry is Travelife, which was founded with the backing of the European Commission. The American Travel Association (ATA), the British Travel Association (BTA), and PATA are among the 35 national travel associations that are marketing the initiative to their members.

Reduce plastic on your travels with Water-to-Go

Helping you travel sustainably by minimizing your influence on areas you visit is our commitment here at The Bespoke African Safari Co. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Water-to-Go to give our clients a 20% discount on reusable water bottles and replacement filters. Just enter the code ‘The Bespoke African Safari Co.’ at checkout. We hope this helps you limit your plastic use when traveling.

In addition, the Bespoke African Safari Co. for Good Fund will donate 10% of all sales to Take 3 for the Sea, one of the charities we support. ‘Take three pieces of debris with you when you leave the beach, waterway or — anywhere, and you have made a difference.’ This is the simple but effective slogan that the organization uses to clean up the oceans and beaches. “

Responsible Travel & Sustainability Report

Whenever we have accomplished anything in the areas of responsible travel or sustainability, we highlight it in our yearly Responsible Travel and Sustainability Report.

By working together and exchanging ideas, we can improve our work and the work of others in the sector. With any luck, this study will encourage readers to plan more eco-friendly vacations.

What Is Ecotourism & Why Should We Be Ecotourists